
A contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) was in negotiations to acquire two manufacturing sites from other companies. Under normal circumstances, the client would have conducted all of the due diligence internally. However, the transaction was taking place during the time of the COVID pandemic and the client urgently needed a CMC specialist to conduct local due diligence of the facilities.


An Alacrita CMC expert was only able to conduct a virtual DD of the target facilities due to the travel restrictions in place during lockdown, but even this proved useful for the client given the expert's local knowledge and ability to understand the operational culture at the plant. The CDMO completed the acquisition and was later acquired by a private equity investor.

Due Diligence Services

Alacrita's due diligence experts have conducted over 200 major assignments for large pharma, biotech, universities and investors, underpinned by our ability to ensure each due diligence exercise is supported by individuals with the precise expertise required for a complete, thorough and accurate assessment.

Additional Due Diligence Case Studies