Case Studies Archive - Alacrita

Valuation of a repurposed, male-fertility drug using Monte Carlo

Written by Cort | Apr 28, 2023 4:23:32 PM


A client developing a repurposed drug for use in male fertility asked Alacrita to conduct a valuation for the asset in the US and EU4+UK in support of impending deal negotiations. The particular challenges in this assignment arose owing to the almost total lack of precedent for this type of treatment and hence lack of market definition, price benchmarks or general publications in the therapeutic area. 


We used our proprietary Monte-Carlo enabled rNPV model as the basis for our valuation. To address the pricing issue in the absence of precedents, we developed two analytical frameworks, one top-down and the other bottom-up, which showed good congruence and allowed us to specify a low, most likely, high range of pricing for the US and for European markets. Epidemiology was based on well-annotated databases and publications, and the other input assumptions were based on Alacrita's valuation database and experience-informed judgement.

Valuation Services

As a multi-disciplinary firm, in addition to valuations, Alacrita’s expertise in product development, strategy, and commercialization, allows us to draw on important insights that other valuation firms may not have. Understanding the key value inflection points for a pipeline asset and defining an overall value for a technology or business is vital, especially in transaction negotiations and commercial strategy, and few valuation firms are as well-placed as we are to do so.